Friday, May 22, 2020

The mouse police never sleeps.

     The above title is a line I borrowed from a Jethro Tull song.
     The evening before last, my cat, Midnight Pussy came running upstairs to the bedroom bearing a field mouse in her jaws. I thought she was bringing me a gift. She dropped it on the floor and then ate it. She then left and went downstairs. 
In about 15 minutes I heard a ruckus. 
     I went downstairs and there at the edge of the back hallway were 2 more smaller mice. She had killed them and laid their bodies side by side. She had a third mouse in her mouth. It was still alive. She dropped it and let it limp around before batting at it with her 6 toed paws - torturing it. I walked away from the mini massacre smiling.

     We live in a 150 year old house way out in the country. The nearest fire department is 10 miles away from us. It is also an all volunteer fire department. If ever there was a fire here the firemen and firewomen would first have to get to the station. Then they would have to drive here. 

     A 150 year old house + fire = disaster. The place would be nearly destroyed or completely destroyed by the time help would arrive. Mice chewing on wires and more can cause quite a problem. Midnight helps alot and I am grateful.

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