Sunday, May 19, 2019

I had a Stroke !

    On the morning of April 4 I had a stroke. Tis also know as a CVA. It did not effect me emotionally. I didn't cry and was not afraid. I did know what was happening. The ambulance and e.m.t.'s was called to the house. The e.m.t. asked if I has any directives. I almost told them do not resuscitate me ( DNR ) but I looked over at Lois and saw she was scared and upset so I just told them no. 

     Naturally it did effect my body. A slight droop in my face. My speech was slightly effected. There was also pain and lack of use in my right hand.  I spent 5 days in the hospital and then released to continue my recovery at home.

     Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. My body is on a slow road to recovery and it is difficult to do anything with a damaged right hand. 

Blessed be,
